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Fire booster pump booster

Producer: ManaSanat Padayar Company

The presence of firefighting booster pumps to increase the safety level in buildings is among the tasks mandated by municipalities and is of high importance. In fact, booster pumps in these systems have high operating pressure and provide the fluid required for fire extinguishing. Firefighting booster pumps can be made from centrifugal pumps or turbine pumps, arranged in multiple stages and vertically. The principles and construction of firefighting booster pumps can vary based on the type of building and the level of fire risk.

Application of fire pump booster

  1. Water supply in various factories and industries
  2. Water supply for agricultural purposes
  3. Water supply for residential buildings, hospitals, towers, schools, etc.


How fire pump booster works

Firefighting booster pumps are used in sprinkler systems to pump water and help extinguish fires. The fire is detected by automatic systems, and an alarm is triggered. Then, the firefighting process begins, and the fire will be controlled. These firefighting pumps are also known as booster pumps because they increase the water pressure in a system. High-rise buildings often have this system installed. Essentially, the operation of a fixed-speed firefighting system in emergencies is initiated through the firefighting system. The pressure and flow rate in these systems are higher compared to water supply booster pumps and are chosen by the fire department based on the number of floors and the building’s area.

Booster pump components

Booster pumps are a set of equipment including electric motor, pump, collector, degree display and flow control tools. The fire booster pump is used in the buildings where the fire extinguishing system is installed in order to supply the required water.

Manasanat Paydar Company is the first fire booster pump manufacturer in Iran. If you are planning to buy booster pump, you can contact us through different platforms or our contact numbers in Tehran and Kashan.