Fire extinguishing system

Fire extinguishing system is a definition of sets of fire fighting equipment that are installed in buildings or warehouses and commercial centers in order to protect property and lives of people in the event of a fire. The types of equipment used in the fire extinguishing system include sprinklers, fire extinguishers, sensors, and fire extinguishers. Meanwhile, fire extinguishers are better known to the public. The capsules each have special materials depending on the type of fire they extinguish. The most common use of fire extinguishing systems is to hold the fire back and minimize the damage until the people leave the danger area and the fire brigade arrives.

Manual fire extinguishing systems

In these methods, fire fighting equipment is used, which is controlled and operated by human power. Among the most widely used equipment of manual systems, the following can be mentioned.
Types of fire extinguishers (powder, water and gas, carbon dioxide, water and foam and halogen)
Types of fire balls
fire blanket
and any equipment used by the firefighter or person in the operation.

Automatic fire extinguishing systems

In these systems, they operate without human intervention and with full equipment control. This type of equipment is used in chemical, paint, refineries, data centers, server rooms and sensitive centers. Automatic systems may operate using carbon dioxide gas, water, and other chemicals selected according to the equipment and flammable materials. The types of automatic systems are:
Automatic water mist systems
Vortex automatic fire extinguishing system
Halon gas automatic fire extinguishing system
Water sprinkler systems
Automatic powder system or aerosol suspended particles
Automatic foam system
Server room or data center fire extinguishing system

The importance of fire extinguishing systems

Do you know how fire extinguishers work, or how to choose a fire safety system for your property? It is essential that you have enough knowledge about these systems, which one of them works better in different conditions. A faulty fire suppression system has the potential to cause more damage and destruction than the fire itself. The most common fire extinguishing systems are made in such a way that they detect the fire in the first stage by heat, smoke and other warning signals. These have an alarm system that will notify you when an incident occurs and then take action against the fire. Most of the fire extinguishing devices automatically release a special substance after detection or fire alarm to extinguish it. Although some of them are released manually. The first decision to make when a fire occurs is to fight the fire. If:
The fire should be small.
Stay away from toxic gases.
Have an escape route.
But if you don’t have any of the above conditions, sound the alarm immediately and leave the scene of the accident. Although fire extinguishers are made in different models and sizes, they ultimately have the same usage method. As the simplest definition when working with fire extinguishers, it is better to use the PASS method.

Water automatic fire extinguishing system

Water fire extinguishing system (sprinkler) is the oldest automatic method to deal with fire, which is used in residential houses, factories, offices, warehouses, etc. These systems have the easiest way to extinguish the fire. so that they are connected to a water source to send water to all sprinklers during a fire. These sources can be municipal water pipes or a separate source for sprinklers. These systems are cheap and very secure. Also, these efficient automatic systems have 4 different types, which are:
Wet System
Dry System
Deluge System
Pre-Action System

Features of sprinkler fire extinguishing system

The first and most widely used fire fighting system in the world
Very high safety
Has various valid international approvals
Use of wet, dry, flood and pre-operator system valves
Can be used in residential buildings, hospitals, offices, large shopping centers, etc.
Variety of accessories