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Pressure gauge or Manometer

Measuring the water flow pressure in the sprinkler fire extinguishing system with aluminum body and brass thread, working pressure up to 20 bar, approved by the fire department

A pressure gauge or manometer is used to measure the pressure of gases by comparing them with air pressure. Manometers are made for different applications and offered to the market in different types. Each of these manometers has special characteristics.

Pressure gauge or Manometer

A fire manometer or pressure gauge is a measuring device that is used to measure water pressure in fire fighting systems. This device is used to ensure that the water pressure in the fire fighting system is maintained at the right amount and also to carry out timely repairs and maintenance. Fire manometers usually have a protective glass and are easy to read so that users can easily see the water pressure. These devices can be digital or analog, and depending on the type and size of the firefighting system, they can measure different pressures. The use of fire manometers is very important to maintain safety and ensure the correct operation of the fire system and helps users to respond in time to technical problems and water pressure caused by breakdowns or defects in the fire system.

Application of manometers

Manometer or pressure gauge is a tool for measuring pressure in various industries and central heating, water supply and firefighting systems. This device is produced and supplied in different types in terms of pressure measurement range, screen diameter, vertical or horizontal, dry or oily. Manometers are used in various industrial sectors, the most important of which are the gas, oil, petrochemical and refineries industries. If these gauges are used and installed in industrial sectors, the relevant operators must always have the device under control to avoid possible damages.