Fire prevention methods

تصویری از راه‌های پیشگیری از آتش سوزی

Table of contents

You must have heard repeatedly in the news that a house is on fire. Perhaps, God forbid, you have seen the bitter experience of fire in the homes of your relatives or neighbors. If you are a forward-looking person; You think that “prevention is always better than cure”. Maybe with this thought, you will think of preventing the risk of fire in your residential houses. In this article, we intend to examine the ways to prevent fire at home against this potential danger and we will also mention some safety tips to prevent fire. So stay with us.

Suitable solutions for home and workplace fire prevention:

1) using a fire extinguisher;

In general, many people who are involved in this incident did not even pay attention or think about it before it happened, and it is a kind of unimaginable thing for them. But with a fire extinguisher in any situation, you can quickly reduce the intensity of the fire and prevent it from happening. When buying a fire extinguisher, keep in mind that the purchased extinguisher must be of the right weight and size so that it can be used by all ages and installed in the right place with easy access.

2) Fire alarm

This is an alarm system that transmits the fire alarm well. In fact, the signals received from different alarms of the sensors are evaluated inside the device and the necessary reaction is implemented. Today, there are a wide range of devices that you can use in order to be aware of fire and prevent its spread in the home or workplace. One of the most common ones is the fire alarm system with smoke and temperature detectors.

3) checking heating devices;

With the beginning of the cold season, the use of gas-burning devices is very common in different environments, for this purpose, by checking all types of heaters and heating devices to prevent gas leakage and spreading in the environment, any irreparable accidents can be prevented.

4) remove flammable materials;

There are some materials that can cause explosion and fire if exposed to sunlight, heat and ambient heat. For this reason, it is suggested to avoid placing any flammable materials in these separate environments.

5) Do not smoke in bed;

Some people, as a habit, start smoking in different places, even at home, sometimes it is seen that people take cigarettes to bed. This environment has wood, fabric and many other flammable materials, so never smoke in a closed environment and do not put it on the bed as much as possible.

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This device has a sensor that is sensitive to the smallest type of smoke in the environment. This device has a chamber that warns if it is filled with smoke and declares a fire.

7) learning the principles of fire safety;

It is very important to learn safety principles from children to adults in areas that involve human life and property. Dear ones, you can do exercises during and after a fire with your family members and take training so that they can save their lives in such incidents.

8) fire prevention with sprinkler;

Fire sprinklers are very practical and effective equipment during a fire. These systems have sensitive sensors that are activated in these conditions and extinguish the fire despite the presence of blue fire extinguishing facilities.

9) carbon monoxide in fire prevention;

One of the ways to prevent fire is to eliminate the fire triangle. It needs fuel, oxygen and heat to keep the fire burning. Carbon monoxide may not have a place in this triangle, but it is an extremely dangerous gas. Because it has harmful effects and does not have any recognizable color and smell. If materials such as wood that contain carbon are burned, carbon monoxide is produced. For this purpose, it is possible to use the systems and sensors that detect the amount of carbon monoxide and control them.

10) attention to household items;

The highest number of fires are related to kitchens and areas that are more related to fire. Most of the electric and gas appliances are in the kitchen. If not used carefully, they can be very dangerous. In order to prevent fires in homes and workplaces, the following points should be taken into account:

  • Do not place hot items near flammable materials.
  • To install gas, place it at a distance of one meter from towels, curtains and flammable fabrics.
  • Be sure to check the gas flames before leaving the house or workplace.
  • Do not leave the plastic tools and equipment in the kitchen next to the open gas because there is a possibility of melting and fire.
  • Check the wire and cable of electrical appliances regularly, wear or loss of wire coating is the basis of many accidents.
  • and…

final word

If you follow all the mentioned points, the possibility of a fire will be greatly reduced, but if a fire still occurs despite all the prevention measures, keep your cool, close the gas valve, call the fire department, from the place of the fire. Get away from the fire and stay away from the place until the fire department arrives.

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